DentiSystem Kft.

Tisztatéri szabad kapacitások felajánlása
- sterill csomgolás Interested!


Beginning of membership: 2015
Address: 6600 Szentes Bese László utca 8.
Phone: (+36-30) 900 1412

Field of activity

Manufacturing and trading of dental implants and instruments, implantological research and development, training, education, contract manufacturing of medical instruments and accessories, packaging sterile and non-sterile product in a Clean Area.


The Denti System Dental Implantology Ltd. has been founded in 1990, with the aim of developing and producing and trading a modrern, complex implant system for domestic dental market that providing affordable and safe solution for patients and cost effective for dentists as well.
Denti implants and instruments are produced in a high quality equipped plants.
Production and quality control are made in line with ISO 13485-2016 and all products have CE cetrification.
Additional pursuits are contract manufacturing of medical instruments and accessories (eg.: intrauterine products) and packaging of sterile and non-sterile products (eg.: skull drills) in a Clean Area.
Denti also has significan results in a field of research and development with Szeged University Dental Faculty.
Declared mission of Denti System, from the beginning, is to provide high level trainings of implantology for dentists as postgradual courses, such as practice oriented intensive basic, advanced and thematic courses.

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