About us

The cooperation of the current members of the cluster started in the mid 1990’s, when an increasing number of informal relationships were established between the members of the Association, mostly, between 3-4 members. However, deeper cooperative relationships were realized only after the EU accession, then during the process of transforming into a cluster.


Ever since the formation of the Hungarian Medical Cluster it has set the objective to develop the sector by the means of networking, with the collaboration of the still Hungarian-owned fragmented businesses, universities, research institutes of the domestic medical technology sector, taking into account the current industrial policy objectives.

The healthcare industry includes curative-preventive and rehabilitation services, service providing and background sectors, the researches underlying them, the manufacturing and marketing of products relating to health-conscious lifestyle. This sector is one of the most promising opportunities among the tipping points. The healthcare industry corresponds to each national economic priority, as it has quite innovative and research-intensive areas, it has significant, partially unexploited opportunities in foreign markets, and it has a substantial labour base which can be further expanded.

Within the Hungarian innovation the medical device industry has always played a major role. This is demonstrated by the grand prizes won by the large enterprises of the sector. Several large-scale research projects, amounting to billions of forints, have started in the “homecare” device category with the cooperation of SMEs and multinational companies. Unique solutions have been created in the field of large-value digital diagnostic technology.

The Hungarian medical devices are available in each continent, including the Antarctica. The Hungarian medical technology industry is too fragmented and poor in capital for a really fast development. It is indispensable to focus and facilitate the activities, to establish close collaboration with knowledge centres (Universities of Medicine and Technology) and enhanced development market cooperation.

In the Irinyi Plan, the government specifies the healthcare industry as a priority area to be developed and as a competitive sector providing high added value, including the dynamically developing innovative domestic medical equipment and device manufacturing, the primary professional representative of which is the Hungarian Medical Cluster.

Date of the foundation

The Hungarian Medical Cluster was established by 21 cooperating SMEs on 04.12.2006.

With the contribution of the management body invited by the members, Hungarian Management Ltd., the Hungarian Medical Cluster has won the title „Accredited Innovative Clusters” four times. In Hungary the Hungarian Medical Cluster is currently the only Accredited Cluster operating and acting in the manufacturing industry, more specifically in the field of Electronic Medical Equipment and Medical Device Manufacturing.

The composition of the members and the trends of their number

The members participating in the Hungarian Medical Cluster is currently 41, consisting of micro, small, medium enterprises (SMEs) apart from companies, and the number of scientific institutes is 3 (University of Szeged, University of Pécs, Széchenyi István University), who are together the significant actors of the Hungarian medical technology industry.

The companies deal with the development, manufacturing, marketing and support of medical electronic equipment which enables the society to access excellent quality healthcare services, available to everyone.

Common interests, results

The Hungarian Medical Cluster is the network of economic companies and institutions which deal with the development, manufacturing and sales of Hungarian healthcare devices or services, or carry out a relating activity or provide support to these activities on a profit-oriented or non-profit basis.

The Hungarian Medical Cluster is the economic cooperation of equivalent, mutually trusting and cooperating members. Within the Cluster the common interest of the cooperating companies is to achieve that a Hungarian medical electronic device manufacturing can be realized which is renewed in its innovation, more inclusive in its organization and trade, competitive in the global market, and with increased domestic and export performance capacities.

The Hungarian Medical Cluster concluded cooperation agreements with the Hungarian Universities of Science and knowledge centres for the development of university education and the innovation of the med-tech sector, and for the close collaboration of the scientific education and the Hungarian industry. The elaboration of the Medical Technology Institutes / Education Programmes (transferring knowledge and presenting the practical application of Hungarian medical devices; the development of new faculties/curriculum), which is planned to be implemented together by the Hungarian Medical Cluster and the Universities of Science.

As recognition of the innovation and development activities several of our member companies have won a series of Budapest Brand, Hungarian Product Grand Prizes, Innovation Grand Prizes and Superbrands prizes.

The common participation in significant International Medical Technology Exhibitions is continuous: Arab Health - Dubai, FIME - Miami, Medical Fair Asia - Singapore, Medica - Düsseldorf, ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYE - Moscow

Present and future

The economic forecasts show that until 2020 the contribution of the healthcare industry can reach 15 to 17% of the GDP in the OECD countries and in Hungary.

The global trends show that the world demands new disease preventive, diagnostic and curative equipment. Hungary is also able to join this process.

Considering the development path of the sector, the global trends, demands and opportunities over the past 5 years, it is a realistic objective to double the turnover of the sector.

The medical technology sector is a key player of Industry 4.0 revolution and digitalization. A new disease preventive, curative industry is being built. The way leading to this is the development and manufacturing of innovative medical electronic products, technologies and devices which will be highly demanded in the changing world, and which contribute to the solution to new health problems arising.

These include but are not limited to:

  • The creation and expansion of robots, digital devices and technologies assisting, or occasionally replacing physicians and nurses.
  • Devices, solutions, concerted developments to increase the weight and significance of medical information technology, databases (Big Data) and researches.
  • Seeking for devices and solutions to treat the general ageing of the society (home, remote diagnostics and therapy), customized healing.
  • Assisting the birth and healthy life of newborn and premature infants.
  • New solutions and the medical technological support thereof in occupational healthcare, medical examination of occupational fitness in order to identify the functional capacity changes of ageing employees and workers with disabilities, which allows the adaptation of the conditions and circumstances of work to the employees, thus ensuring the continuation of their active participation in the working world for the future.
  • Medical devices, services and other solutions to handle the problems arising from global warming.
  • Devices and solutions to save energy in all fields of heath care.

To find solution to these challenges and to develop, it is indispensable to be supported by the Government of Hungary, and the concentration of the activities of the knowledge centres and the businesses as well as really intensive research-innovation cooperation is needed.

The objective and mission of the Hungarian Medical Cluster

The objective of the Hungarian Medical Cluster is to develop the innovative environment of the Hungarian Healthcare Industry by the means of professional networking, efficient and close cooperation with scientific institutions in innovative, educational and training activities (in the fields of engineering training and vocational training characterized by shortages, with special regard to dual training), all this in order to continue, preserve and elevate the traditions of the 100 year-old medical technology sector.

The mission of the Hungarian Medical Cluster is to ensure safe products and services in the domestic medical device manufacturing and services, satisfying the needs of people and the professional expectations of healthcare professionals in a high quality, and considered to be advanced even by international standards.

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