B.Braun Medical Magyarország Orvostechnológiai Kft.

B.BRAUN beszállítót keres tisztatéri és autosteril fröccsöntési technikával készülő műanyag orvosi eszközök bérgyártására. Interested!


Beginning of membership: 2019
Address: 1023 Budapest, Felhévízi utca 5.
Phone: (+36-1) 346 9701
E-mail: infohu@bbraun.com
Website: www.bbraun.hu

Field of activity

Development, manufacturing and sales of medical devices; renal care


Founded in 1839 and still a family-owned business today, B. Braun is a medi-cal technology and pharmaceutical company with over 64,000 employees in 64 countries. Inspired by the constructive dialog with its customers and part-ners, B. Braun develops effective solutions and guiding standards for the healthcare system. In Hungary, B. Braun is represented by three companies: B. Braun Medical Ltd. which develops and manufactures medical devices, B. Braun Trading Ltd. which markets medical products, and B. Braun Avitum Hungary cPlc. which operates a countrywide dialysis network. With 2,500 em-ployees, the three companies are fundamental players in several fields of the Hungarian health care sector.

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